Educational Resources
Our goal is for our clients to find HELP, find HOPE & find HEALING, reconnect with their families, and become productive, contributing & purpose-filled members of society.

The 7 Steps That Helped One Man Recover
The 7 Steps That Helped One Man Recover Over the years, I have reflected on my sobriety and recovery. I would like to share with you the 7 steps I had to go through throughout my journey. The 7 steps are: 1) awareness, 2) surrender, 3) readiness, 4) receptivity, 5)...

The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Each client at the Red Deer Dream Centre will be exposed to and go through the 12-step program. Although the 12-steps were originally established by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), they have been slightly modified to suit individuals...
The Importance of a Recovery Community
As the Executive Director of the Red Deer Dream Centre, many topics were going through my mind regarding what I wanted to write about in my article. When everything is said and done, I decided to write my first article on the importance of a recovery community. ...
Faith and Recovery
- Faith Based Addictions Recovery – American Addictions Centres
- 5 ways God helps you in additions – Hold Fast Recovery
- Belief, Behavious and Belonging – National Library of Medicine
Theraputic Community
- A Unique Phycological Approach – National Library of Medicine
- What are Theraputic Communities? – National Institute of Drug Abuse